I haven't decided if this is the ultimate proof of my Coke addiction or if it's just really nerdy. I suspect it's a combination of both. Is there a Coke Anonymous for Techno-Geeks?
There are a couple of ways a girl can get that "glow" people talk about:
1. Get pregnant. We hear this is a sure-fire way to glow. Of course, it involves several complications, some of which will be with you for the rest of your life. Possibly living in your basement.
2. Expose yourself to low levels of radiation. This one's nice because you might get a bonus super-power with it. But, once again, it leaves you with lifelong issues. Course it might not be that long if you pick the right irradiated materials.
3. Pick up one of these: the Crystal Cube Firejewel Necklace.
If number three sounds like the option for you, we'll fill you in. It's a solitaire necklace with a single AB-coated* 10 mm Swarovski crystal as its focal point. Inside that crystal is a tiny LED. The 17" neckwire which creates that hip, floating "illusion" look is also functional. It carries the current from the clasp, inside which is housed one, small, easy-to-replace, 3-volt battery. When you close the clasp, it creates a circuit and voila. You glow.
Each necklace comes in a small gift box. Choose between a white, blue, or pink LED. Battery included.* We took this opportunity to look up finally what "AB-coated" means, and it's pretty cool so we thought you might like to know. It stands for Aurora Borealis, so named for the changing colors reflected in the result. That unique, iridized look is achieved by blasting the crystal in a vacuum chamber with a vapor of metal atoms. Neat, eh?
Product Specifications
So adorn yourself (or a friend) and save the world at the same time. Made from recycled printed circuit boards, these pendants are a little over 1.5 inches in width and come on an adjustable-length waxed cotton cord. The circuit boards used are pre-consumer waste, aka they've been printed wrong. So they've never been soldered, which means none of the lead concerns that sometimes accompany reused circuit boards. They come in a gift box for ease of gifting.
Note: Each necklace is unique, just like every snowflake. Only with more circuit board than your average snowflake. So yours won't look exactly like the one in the picture, but it'll be the same shape, style, and size.This saavy little business card case with its techno-appeal will make you the envy of all your peer vice presidents and CEOs. Add insult to injury by showing off this case to people in your organization that don't even have business cards! Ouch. Holds 10-15 cards (depending on your business card thickness) - yet is small enough to comfortably fit in any pocket or case/bag.
Real circuit boards come in many colors and have varying degrees of wiring in them. Consequently, so do these business card holders. Revel in their uniqueness!
Dimensions: (2 1/4" x 3 5/8")