Everyone knows I'm a Techno-Geek. And everyone knows I love hot sports cars. But what you may not have known is that I'm an even weirder techno-geek than you could have imagined. You see I also love to Hike, camp and fish. Outside. In the wilderness. Really. All my friends know this about me. Granted, I'm the one with the great GPS locater, and the really incredibly cool knives and gadgets, but I'm also leading the hike. I like to get away a few times a year, usually in any season not Summer. One of the best sites to look over the latest in outdoor gear is
Sierra Adventure Gear. They have outstanding gear that is tough and rugged but still affordable. That can be a hard thing to find. Gear that will last, perform as expected and still be something that you can afford to buy without going into debt. Everything I've gotten at Sierra has been better than expected and I still have all of it. I highly recommend them. Oh, and the knife pictured here, I got a great deal on it. So great that I bought an extra one to leave in my car. Just in case. You never know when you are going to need to a knife. Right? And look for the floating knife as well. That one comes in handy for rafting trips.
So head over to
Sierra Adventure Gear. You will be glad you did!
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