Happy New Year Everyone!
So, has anyone else made resolutions? I prefer to set goals for the year. Here are a few of mine. If you have any you want to share, please do so.
- Get rid of the rest of the books.
I've gotten my book collection down to a manageable level but I still have far too many. My goal is to have only one bookshelf full by the end of the year. I have a digital copy of every single book I possible could have and have stored copies on a hard drive so my
Kindle isn't overloaded. As it is, if I live to be 150 I will never get through all the new books I have yet to read....and that is if I stop today. Oh well, I can think of worse problems to have.
I know I'm a geek but running through Azaroth and killing Orcs does NOT equal a fitness program. I need to actually step away from the computer (shudder) every now and then and actually venture outside. I actually live in a really cool place. I'm not out on my porch for 5 minutes before I see other humans actually walking around. Kids play, pets roam. The last place I lived I never ever saw that. In 20 years I never saw kids playing outside. Spooky. Anyway, my goal is to get in a walk at least every other day. Outside. I'll take my phone. LOL. Me without technology is NOT pretty.
Bet you didn't see THAT coming, did you? Yes, the resident Techno-Geek, holder of advance science degrees is a Christian. It's okay; I'm Catholic. That means I'm from the branch that believes in Evolution, Medicine and all of the other advantages of the 21 century. I'm also a firm believer that a healthy spiritual life is as important as a healthy body and education. It's all about balance my friends.
Again, it's about balance. A little less time sitting in front of the computer screen and a little more time sitting and...oh, wait. Anyway, reading on my
Kindle is a good break from the instant communication world of the Internet. Oh, heck, who am I kidding? I just need to get some of the books read so I can buy more.
Well that's it for now. See you all soon!
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