Sunday, April 22, 2012

Beginning of a New Week

I love Mondays! Must be a geek thing. When I was a kid I couldn’t wait for the start of the summer holidays but within a week I was wanting to go back to school. I think this is a feeling that only geeks really had (we used to be called nerds…sheesh). I was lucky in that I was a math/science geek and my parents encouraged that. My friends well remember the chemistry and microscopes I had as a kid. They were adult grade (back in the days when chemistry sets had real chemicals in them!) and I had a blast all summer with my various projects (Think Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory….without homeland security butting into matters).
Now I look forward to the start of the work week. Because I work for myself, I spend Mondays looking for new projects to start. I love the thrill of it. Building websites, writing articles. It’s great fun and I get paid for it as well! Yay me!
Sunday wouldn’t be Sunday if I didn’t spend at least a part of it on Facebook and Twitter. If you are looking for new friends for:
Gardens of Time
Blackwood and Bell
Then find me on Facebook at:
You can find me on Twitter at: ACCER
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