Friday, March 14, 2008

Real Voodoo Doll

This Mister is large and in charge. Or is he? You'll find that when you place the doll in your home in an area where the man in your life can see him; you're the one in control!

When your man sees the white pin in the doll's "private's", he knows he's flying right. The black pin, however, means "Look out Mister!" So, let that man know who's really in charge!

Comes complete with pins and instructions.

I have many many thoughts on this....most of them very very naughty...

I especially like the red pom poms on the doll. Very festive. I have a friend that might like this doll...though she would have to remove one of the pom poms...

Oh well, this is the real deal, an authentic Voodoo doll. They have others too...but THIS one was the one that caught my attention. I wonder why.

Anyway, get your own from Voodoo Authentica

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